巴塞爾大學(xué)(德:Universität Basel,英:University of Basel)是瑞士歷史最悠久的大學(xué),享譽(yù)國際的研究型大學(xué), 坐落于瑞士巴塞爾城市半州首府巴塞爾市。
Postdoc Position in Cancer Neuroimmunology
University of Basel
A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Professor Momo Bentires-Alj at the Department of Biomedicine (DBM) in Basel, Switzerland. The successful candidate will work on breast cancer brain metastasis and interactions of cancer cells with brain resident and infiltrating immune cells.
Your position
The successful candidate will work on molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cancer cell response to brain microenvironment using mouse models, heterotypic cultures and patient samples. The candidate will implement a variety of OMICs at single cell and spatial level, as well as standard and advanced molecular and cellular biology approaches.
Your profile
A strong experience in neuroimmunology or neuro-oncology. Expertise in single cell OMICs, 3D heterotypic cultures, and/or mouse work, intravital imaging is a plus. The candidate should be creative and highly motivated, should contribute to the lab by also being well-organized, cooperative and fluent in English.