Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Metabolism: Barcelona, Spain
A postdoctoral position is open for a highly motivated candidate in the group directed by Antonio Gentilella in the Laboratory of Cancer Metabolism at the Catalan Institute of Oncology / IDIBELL, Barcelona, Spain.
The group focuses on understanding the mechanisms by which oncogenic transformation reorganizes the translatome, particularly (1) how metabolic changes alter the repertoire of translated mRNAs and (2) how cancer cells can exploit those translational networks to survive and overcome standard of care chemotherapeutic regimens in colorectal cancer, and potentially other tumor types. We have recently identified a specialized subset of 40S ribosomes, which in a complex with the RNA binding protein LARP1, bind and preserve a discrete population of mRNAs, termed 5’TOPs, which not only include Ribosomal Proteins (RPs) and translational factors, but also a new set of anabolic mRNAs (Gentilella et al., Molecular CELL 17), which can be translationally switched on and off depending on the cellular metabolic state.
Main Duties
The candidate will utilize a set of genetic models to characterize: (1) the biochemical composition of the 40S-LARP1 complex and (2) its role in modifying the translational program of the cell.
The long goal of the lab is to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to understand basic mechanisms of translation in physiological and in tumor contexts, and to identify vulnerable spot that could constitute viable cancer targets.
The search is primarily targeted towards scientists who have recently graduated in the fields related to molecular biology and biochemistry. Qualified candidates should have strong experimental expertise in these areas as well as cellular biology and mouse genetics.
Preference will be given to highly motivated candidates with an outstanding publication record and with an expertise in RNA analysis, molecular cloning and genome engineering technologies, including Crispr-Cas9. The candidate should possess outstanding written and verbal communication skills.
We will value
Previous expertise in polysome profiling, click-iT technology and a basic knowledge of bioinformatics would constitute a large advantage.
We offer
A full time postdoctoral contract will be funded by the Spanish National Program (MINECO Excelencia) for three years. Salary will be adjusted based on the experience of the candidate.
The Laboratory of Cancer Metabolism is located in IDIBELL, a research center that integrates the biomedical research of the Bellvitge University Hospital (HUB), the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), and the University of Barcelona in the Bellvitge Campus (UB) and the Viladecans Hospital (HV).
The research focuses of IDIBELL are cancer, neuroscience and translational medicine. Research, innovation and society are the pivots on which researchers work every day in order to improve the quality of life of citizens. In 2009, it became one of the first five Spanish research centers accredited as a health research institute by the Carlos III Institute of Health. More recently, the European Commission has recognized IDIBELL with the HRS4R logo (Excellence in Human Resources in Research), which identifies IDIBELL as a provider and supporter of a stimulating research work environment.
Documents required
To apply please send your CV, cover letter, and the contact information of three referees to :
to learn more :
Gentilella A.* et al. “Autogenous control of 5’TOP mRNA stability by 40S ribosomes”
Molecular Cell. Jul 6;67(1):55-70.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.06.005. * corresponding
Gentilella A.* et al. “A liaison between mTOR signaling, ribosome biogenesis and cancer.”
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Feb 28. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2015.02.005.
Gentilella A, Thomas G “Cancer biology: The director's cut.”
Nature. 2012 May 2;485(7396):50-1. doi: 10.1038/485050a.