Postdoctoral Researcher in Condensed Matter Theory
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Condensed Matter Theory
We seek applicants for a post­doctoral research position at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany.
The MPI is an inter­nationally renowned institute of the Max Planck Society for the Advance­ment of Science with a staff of 500 working in the field of fundamen­tal research in chemistry and physics.
The position will be part of a new Max Planck Research Group led by Dr. Laura Classen working in the field of conden­sed matter theory. The group will investi­gate the collective behavior of inter­acting electrons in modern quantum materials, invol­ving the understanding of under­lying quantum effects and characteri­zation of resulting electronic states.
Possible research topics include strongly correlated electrons, unconventional super­conductivity, and quantum phase transitions.
We are looking for highly motivated can­didates with the following qualifications
•Ph.D. in condensed matter theory, theore­tical statistical physics or related discipline
•Experience with quan­tum field theory methods
•Very good publication record in a rele­vant research field
The position is available as of October 2021 with a dura­tion of two years initially. Salary and social bene­fits will be in accordance with the regu­lations of the German TVöD Bund (salary agree­ment for public service employees).
The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabili­ties in its workforce and there­fore encourages applications from individuals with disabili­ties. The Max Planck Society endeavours to achieve gender equality and diversity. Further­more, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas where they are under­represented and there­fore explicitly encourages women to apply.
Interested candidates are asked to apply by March 31 st, 2021, however appli­cations will be considered until the position is filled. Please send an appli­cation letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of publications as one pdf, and arrange for two recommen­dation letters to be sent to