Postdoctoral/Ph.D. student in Quantum-Electronics, Laser and Particle-Beam Physics : Tel-Aviv, Israel
A research grant is offered to a Physics/EE graduate of good background in theoretical physics, Electromagnetics, Laser and Beam Physics. Experimental experience may be of advantage.
Subjects of research include:
a) Laser acceleration in nano-fabricated dielectric and surface-plasmonic structures.
b) Compact Free Electron Lasers.
c) Fundamental studies on interaction of light with electron quantum-wavefunction.
d) Particle-beam micro-dynamics, noise suppression and radiation subradiance/superradiance.
The research will be conducted in the frameworks of a German-Israel DIP research project on nano-fabricated shaped electron wavefunctions and their interaction with radiation and a US-Israel BSF research project on subradiance and coherence enhancement of FEL….