Post Doc Position: Proton-Proton Physics At Lhc With Atlas: Design, Construction And Testing Of...
Universities And Institutes Of Italy
Organisation/Company: Dipartimento di Fisica - Universitàdella Calabria
Research Field: Physics
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Leading Researcher (R4)
Application Deadline: 15/09/2022
Location: Italy
Type Of Contract: To be defined
With the upgrade of LHC to high-luminosity the number of collisions will increase by a factor of about 10. To take full advantage of the increased particle flow through ATLAS, the collaboration has approved an intensive hw and sw upgrade program. These include the construction of an additional trigger station to the 3 already present. The research activity concerns the design, construction and testing of thin-gap and double-edge strip readout RPC chambers. It also concerns the study of the drift properties of ecological gas mixtures for RPC. Finally, the activity will include the development of level 0 trigger algorithms for the selection of muons in the spectrometer. All these activities are intimately linked and basic to improve the performance of the trigger detectors of the spectrometer. The research activity will also consist in the participation in the data taking shifts of the ATLAS experiment and in the beam test activities of the first RPC cameras produced.
Eligibility criteria
Correspondence of curriculum and capabilities to the research subjects.
Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:
Selection process
Interview and evaluation of publishing records.
Additional comments
Contact phone: +390984496005
Annual budget: 24000
Frequency of calls: mensile
International mobility required: no
Web site for additional job details
https: // conco...
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: Dipartimento di Fisica - Universitàdella Calabria
Organisation Type: Public Research Institution
Website: https:// www.
Country: Italy
City: Rende