Postdoctoral Associate in Cancer Research (2-5 years)
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS (IOCB Prague)
Postdoctoral Associate in Cancer Research (2-5 years) Prague, Czech Republic
Postdoctoral associate position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Zuzana Keckesova at Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) at Czech Academy of Science in Prague, Czech Republic. IOCB is a renowned interdisciplinary scientific institute with a blend of highly qualified and innovative chemists, biologists, biochemists and biophysicists that engage in frequent fruitful collaborations. It has developed a well refined infrastructure with many excellent core facilities and state-of-the-art equipment.
The aim of Dr. Keckesova’s lab is to identify and characterize new tumor suppressor pathways and circuitries in human cells with the ultimate goal of translating this new knowledge into therapeutic use. Dr. Keckesova is a recent postdoc alumni of Whitehead Institute, MIT (USA) where she worked in the lab of Dr. Robert Weinberg. Dr. Keckesova’s lab is researching tissues/cell types that rarely undergo tumorigenesis. These are the cellular models that already found a way to battle cancer and can teach us valuable lessons about tumor suppressor circuitries that can be used in our fight against cancer.
We are looking for postdoctoral associates with background in: cancer biology, molecular biology, biochemistry. Also considered will be scientists from other areas that will be able to contribute to this project or bring in a new relevant expertise. We are looking for creative, imaginative, independent and highly-motivated applicants with experience in molecular biology/biochemistry methods and techniques. Bioinformatics and/or animal facility handling skills are a plus. Good English speaking skills are necessary. Institute is multinational and is also run in English language.
Position will be initially for 2 years with a possibility of extending to 5 years. Dr. Keckesova’s lab is very well funded. Selected postdocs will enjoy many of the benefits that the Institute provides.
Starting date is flexible (anytime in 2019).
Interested candidates should submit their cover letter, CV including names and contact information of two references and a brief description of their research experience via e-mail to