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時間:2022-04-15來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

United Arab Emirates

Postdoctoral Researcher on Miscible CO2 Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery

United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)

Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

The Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the United Arab Emirates University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in the area of CO2 foam for enhanced oil recovery. The major goal of the project is to investigate fundamental behavior of CO2 foam flow with oil at miscible conditions, through experiments and simulations. The study is expected to provide insights into effectiveness of miscible CO2 foam for mobility control and displacement with oil. A qualified candidate should be experienced in corefloods experiments at reservoir conditions. A candidate skillful in commercial simulators, e.g., CMG , would be preferred. Basic skills in programming, e.g., Matlab or Python, would be a plus for this position. An appropriate educational degree supplemented with documented evidence to support the following: • PhD degree in petroleum engineering, reservoir engineering, hydrology or any discipline closely related to those fields • experimental skills in complex corefloods • Familiar with commercial reservoir simulators, e.g., CMG • Basic programming skills, e.g., Matlab or Python • Fluent in both oral and written English

• Strong record of publications in the field of flow through porous media

• Experimental skills in foam corefloods at miscible conditions • Familiar with STARS or GEM modules in CMG • Strong ability in identifying scientific issues and writing project proposals • Independence in conducting scientific research • Commitment to provide a safe and healthy workplace



