Post-Doctoral position in Analytical Chemistry/Environmental Chemistry
The proposal aims to elucidate the functioning of two cyanobacteria in relation to arsenic speciation, bioaccumulation and biotransformation in alkaline-saline lagoons in the Pantanal (Brazil) that present high concentrations of As (up to 3 mg / L), and thus to better understand the role of these microorganisms in the biogeochemical cycle of As in this ecosystem. To achieve this goal, two cyanobacteria (Arthrospira sp. And Anabaenopsis sp.) already isolated will be grown in medium enriched with As (III) / As (V). The different types of samples (culture medium and cells) will be analyzed using a combination of different analytical techniques: HPLC-UV -HG-AFS, LC-Electrospray-MS /MS and synchrotron radiation produced by a fourth-generation source. Synchrotron radiation analysis will be carried out at the CARNAÚBA beamline (Coherent X-rAyNAnoprobeBeAmline) for the Sirius light source of the LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory.
Required Skills: The candidate must have: 1) Experience in spectroscopic techniques using synchrotron radiation (XRF, XAS), 2) Experience in Analytical Chemistry in particular with techniques such as HPLC-HG-AFS, HPLC-MS/MS) practical knowledge in sample preparation. The candidate should have concluded a doctorate less than seven years before the beginning of the PD fellowship.