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時間:2022-05-26來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Postdoc in the field of Materials scienceLinköping University


We are now looking to appoint a postdoc in the field of Materials science, with focus on low-dimensional materials for clean energy applications.

Work assignments The project for which we are now looking for new staff concerns fundamental research within material physics and materials chemistry, primarily focused on experimental investigation/development of novel 2D or 1D materials for applications within clean energy (storage and/or catalysis). Also other application areas may be of relevance depending on which specific materials are being discovered and explored.

The Materials Design division combines predictive theoretical simulations with materials synthesis and characterization, for development of novel 3D and 2D materials with specific properties. The division will now expand the activities within the area of low-dimensional materials with a large surface area: We have previously discovered novel so called MXenes, and now we intend to also explore other 2D and 1D materials, beyond MXenes, for energy storage and catalysis.

You will perform materials synthesis (primarily powder-based bulk synthesis), and you will convert the materials into 2D or 1D structures with large surface area. These structures will be characterized with respect to structure and composition, and will thereafter be tested for applications within clean energy (capture, storage, conversion).

The position is part of a large research project, and the postdoc will be part of an international team (> 20 people), with extensive theoretical and experimental activities connected to novel 3D/2D/1D materials.

As postdoc, you will principally carry out research. A certain amount of teaching may be part of your duties, up to a maximum of 20% of working hours.

The workplace You will be employed in the Materials Design division at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM). The division is divided in three research units; Materials theory, Applied electrochemistry, and Thin films and nanolaminated materials. The postdoc will be active in the latter unit, but will collaborate closely with the other units. The position is part of a close collaboration with Drexel University, USA.

Qualifications To be qualified to take employment as postdoc, you must have been awarded a doctoral degree or have a foreign degree that is deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree. This degree must have been awarded at the latest by the point at which LiU makes its decision to employ you.

It is considered advantageous if your doctoral degree is no older than three years at application deadline for this job. If there are special reasons for having an older doctoral degree – such as taking statutory leave – then these may be taken into consideration.

We are seeking applicants who have a doctoral degree in Material physics/chemistry or similar. The applicant must have experience from materials synthesis of low-dimensional materials (2D/1D), and analysis of these materials with respect to energy storage or catalysis. Documented excellent skills in writing (publications in scientific journals of high reputation) and excellent skills in communication (English) is a requirement.

You must have experience from characterization of materials with respect to structure and composition.

You should also be engaged and have a positive attitude towards working in a team. You are efficient and goal oriented.



