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時間:2021-01-25來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名

Postdoc Fellow of Cancer Genetics and Immunology

Postdoc positions of Cancer Genetics and Immunology are available in the Jiang Group at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). The candidate will develop genetic screening workflows in primary immune cells and murine models to advance cancer therapeutic regimes. The overarching goal of Jiang Lab is to understand the process of cancer immune evasion and therapy resistance through a combination of functional genomics and data science approaches. The Jiang Lab has both wet-lab biologists and computational postdocs closely working together on essential subjects in cancer immunology. This wet-lab postdoc position will benefit substantially from the full support from the artificial intelligence and big-data experts in the team to develop novel discovery frameworks.

The Jiang Lab is part of the Center for Cancer Research, the basic and clinical intramural research program of NCI, NIH. The NIH Bethesda campus, located in the suburb of Washington DC, is the world’s largest medical research facility. Candidates will significantly benefit from the team mentorship of many world-class cancer biologists and the abundant resource supporting many national-scale projects. NIH appointed Dr. Jiang as the Earl Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator, a prestigious startup program at NIH. Dr. Jiang is a recipient of the K99 Pathway to Independence Award of the NCI and the Scholar-In-Training Award of the American Association of Cancer Research. For more information, please see the website: https://ccr.cancer.gov/cancer-data-science-laboratory/peng-jiang

Experience Required: Applicants should have a doctoral degree in molecular biology, cancer genetics, immunology, or related fields with high proficiency in murine primary cell and in-vivo experiments.

How to Apply: Please send a cover letter and a CV with a publication list, and the contact information of three references to: peng.jiang@nih.gov



